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Hoops Rumors Ten Day Contract Tracker

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Date Player Active Team Type
03/08/2016 Alan Williams Phoenix Suns 10-day contract followed by signing for the rest of the season
02/20/2016 Phil Pressey Phoenix Suns two 10-day contracts (only 1st date is shown)
02/05/2016 Orlando Johnson Phoenix Suns 10-day contract
01/29/2016 Jordan McRae Phoenix Suns two 10-day contracts (only 1st date is shown)
01/21/2016 Cory Jefferson Phoenix Suns 10-day contract
01/08/2016 Lorenzo Brown Phoenix Suns two 10-day contracts (only 1st date is shown)

"Active" marks players with an active 10-day contract. Send corrections and/or omissions to hoopsdatabase@gmail.com.

